Ric Flair Denies WWE Reports

Discussion in 'Pro Wrestling' started by LakerBlood, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. LakerBlood

    LakerBlood M.V.P

    Aug 5, 2007
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    <font>Ric Flair was on local sports talk show Prime Time with The Packman this morning on WFNZ here in Charlotte. He said he will be opening a new business in Charlotte this week called Ric Flair Finance. Flair talked a little bit of football before the host asked him if he really quit WWE. Flair kinda laughed at it and said "No, it's not true." and asked what WWE would do without him. He didn't seem too sure of himself but he said he would talk more about everything next week on the same show.</font></p>

    <font>Shelton Benjamin is set to take on Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy at upcoming RAW house shows. It's expected Benjamin will get a push while his WGTT partner Charlie Haas is suspended.</font></p>

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