Rockets still shopping

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets' started by bplld, Sep 24, 2005.

  1. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    Dion Glover? C'mon, we're not that desperate yet to have someone who is strictly a scorer run the team. He has never averaged more than 2.1 assists per game and he isn't as quick as you think he is. Guarding Parker, Davis and Telfair would make him roadkill.

    Where did you get the idea that Ward had no stamina? Although I do think that the comeback of Sura and addition of Barrett helped bring a change of scenery for the team and added a boost to the style of play, Ward shouldn't be counted out yet. He is the only pure point guard on the team, although he'd be terrible guarding those quick points I mentioned above.
  2. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    Jeff Van Gundy likes him...........but I think we need a veteran guard this year. Too many weapons on the team, we need somebody with size, and leadership. Barrett's cool, he's a gritty point guard, but I think we need somebody thats in favor of Sura. What about Dion Glover? 6'5, quick, and smart with the ball. Don't know if he can run a team though.</div>
    Barrett makes more sense to me. We can problem get him at a cheap price and right now he has more skills than Glover. He already knows the system so he should be able to just come in and contribute right away. Dion Glover doesn't exactly bring that much leadership either so in a way Barrett is more similar to Sura. He brings toughness and grit while also being a better playmaker.
  3. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    r we not counting out jwill b/c he turned the raptors down
  4. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    About Barrett, although he did have a few good games with us and the Magic last season, I don't think he is the answer at point guard. No, I don't even believe he would start. Barrett is terribly undersized even for a point guard and opponents would just shoot over him. His shot was also very inconsistent, and I doubt that his fast-paced style would suit Yao any more than Mike James would.

    I don't think Jay Will would help any either because he is not in a current condition to start and get back to his 2002 form immediately, so that would be a concern as well. The team needs someone to start at point guard when Sura's out, and there aren't really viable options on the free agent market who would fill that role.
  5. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">About Barrett, although he did have a few good games with us and the Magic last season, I don't think he is the answer at point guard. No, I don't even believe he would start. Barrett is terribly undersized even for a point guard and opponents would just shoot over him. His shot was also very inconsistent, and I doubt that his fast-paced style would suit Yao any more than Mike James would.
    I was just thinking maybe we could have say James start and then split the minutes between him, Barrett, and Head since none of them are really capable of handling the majority of the minutes. Barrett is fast paced true, but he did show off some nice playmaking moves last year the impressed me. Even in a half court style, he did a pretty nice job. He also was a great defender although he was undersized and could hound the ball handler.
  6. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    i dont get why we are counting out head from even starting. As we all have said in countless other posts that tmac would control the ball alot but i never recognized suras value until i played 2005 nba live again yesterday and i couldnt block shots or get rebounds with other point gaurds on the rockets team except with sura. I know that the player shouldnt affect this stat either but i got more steals to.

    EDIT: and i do know its a video game [​IMG]
  7. TMacAttack

    TMacAttack JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    What about Vassilis Spanoulis can we still bring him in or what?
  8. Mag

    Mag JBB MacBeth

    May 3, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting TMacAttack:</div><div class="quote_post">What about Vassilis Spanoulis can we still bring him in or what?</div>

    Tony Parker owned him today, when Greece and France played.

    He had some sparks where he would defend well, or he made a good pass and his teammate couldn't finish, but he did miss a three pretty badly.

    Suprising he doesn't start for the Greek Team but he's a superstar in the Greek Leagues.

    Jay Williams is nice, though he is barely recovering, he should still be able to make plays, and none of the point guards we have right now rely purely on speed, so Williams might just find a niche here. The Raptors have said he signed somewhere else, and the Heat stopped going after him, so it could mean that he's signed with Houston.
  9. YugoRocketsFan

    YugoRocketsFan BBW Member

    Dec 24, 2004
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    Im seeing lots of wrong things posted here? Why would you not want Wesley to start? He was a big part of our run last year and I think we were 42-20 with him. Also its not a 100% chance that Sura gets cut off the team, also we have 8 guards, so can't we just trade a few for a good starting one. I have faith in Carroll Dawson, because he is very smart. I am sure if Sura gets cut, he will think of something good.

    SG-David Wesley

    If Sura it out then we just try to expirement until we see how potential our players have.
  10. dakeem1

    dakeem1 JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting YugoRocketsfan:</div><div class="quote_post"> also we have 8 guards, so can't we just trade a few for a good starting one.</div>

    You say that like it's easy.

    Why would another team accept a trade like that unless they were desperate for expiring contracts? Any GM in the NBA that know's his business would understand that by pulling off a trade like that they would get the guard problems that we are having now.
  11. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    not if the team doesnt have a surplus of gaurds and has to many people in the front court.
    portland is a team that can use gaurds.
  12. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">not if the team doesnt have a surplus of gaurds and has to many people in the front court.
    portland is a team that can use gaurds.</div>
    Not really, they're probably going to split the point guard minutes with Jarrett Jack and Sebastian Telfair. Shooting guard minutes are probably going to go to Juan Dixon and Ruben Patterson with Martell Webster getting minutes here and there.

    We're probably going to trade our expiring contracts to a rebuilding team like New Orleans or Toronto, or maybe some team that's struggling for the first half of the season.
  13. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    o ya i keep forgetting about their draft
  14. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting magnomonkey:</div><div class="quote_post">
    Jay Williams is nice, though he is barely recovering, he should still be able to make plays, and none of the point guards we have right now rely purely on speed, so Williams might just find a niche here. The Raptors have said he signed somewhere else, and the Heat stopped going after him, so it could mean that he's signed with Houston.</div>Williams actually has been reported to have lost a lot of the speed which he used to his advantage pre-injury. The thing is, without his speed and agility, he is no better than Moochie Norris. He is not a solid shooter, and his court vision is not outstanding. He won't help us if he can't penetrate like he did with the Bulls.
  15. bbwAce

    bbwAce BBW Member

    Jan 6, 2004
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    Ok, now that we've all exhausted all the negatives of a J-Will signing, I think we should focus on the positives...first off, he is not going to be expected to contribute right away...hes a safety valve...however, think of how much quicker he'll develop if he has to guard against quick players such as James and DA...practices are gonna be a gem for him...signing Jay Will would clearly be a long-term solution for us...he can develop these next two years or so and learn from Wesley, James, DA and Sura...he's already at 85% playing-wise, which means I would think by February or so he'd be really ready to step in and contribute February would be the trading deadline, so if the Rockets think James will be asking for a huge payday next summer, then he would be traded and Williams can step in and play more minutes, little by little...its an experiment, clearly...and yes, some people may want Head to see any minutes J-Will would be getting (including me), but if CD and JVG dont see it like that, I have complete trust that they know their personnel and what they are doing...bottom line is, the move doesnt harm us in any significant way...however, why not see if a former #2 draft pick can regain even 90% of what he used to be, cuz that 90 percent is already better than a lot of our PGs, except for Sura and James...and since Sura is injury-riddled, then it makes sense to bring in J-Will...This move is about the future, just as how our offseason has been about the future as well...I am salivating over the idea of a TMac-Yao-Swift-JWilliams core in about 3-4 years if everything works itself out [​IMG]...

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    Ward is over.........Bringing him back is like asking Rod Strickland to come out of retirement. He sux. Simple and plain. Get over it. You guys are giving Wesley too much credit. He has his momments, but overrall he's a liability. Rebounding at the guard position was our biggest weakness last year (with Sura out). Other teams bigger guards would crash the boards, and get alot of offensive rebounds. Richardson, Kobe, Carmello, and Mike Miller will be matched up with 6'1 David Wesley. No no. Derek Anderson is a better match up for us. I don't like the fact the other team has an instant mismatch with Wesley starting. Expect Jeff Van Gundy to start DA and bring Wesley off the bench.

    The season starts in almost a month. Going into training camp, we don't want any question marks. With that, bringing in Jay Williams makes no sense. He might not even be ready to play, let alone START on a team. You guys want to start Wesley (6'1), and put a hobbled Jay Williams (6'1) along side him. If that held up, we would have the slowest, and smallest backcourt in the entire NBA. James isn't a starter, so we would be back where we were last year in Charlie Ward starting [​IMG]. Dawson is a smart man. If I'm him, I'm shopping Wesley as we speak.
  17. bbwAce

    bbwAce BBW Member

    Jan 6, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rock4life:</div><div class="quote_post">

    The season starts in almost a month. Going into training camp, we don't want any question marks. With that, bringing in Jay Williams makes no sense. He might not even be ready to play, let alone START on a team. You guys want to start Wesley (6'1), and put a hobbled Jay Williams (6'1) along side him. If that held up, we would have the slowest, and smallest backcourt in the entire NBA. James isn't a starter, so we would be back where we were last year in Charlie Ward starting [​IMG]. Dawson is a smart man. If I'm him, I'm shopping Wesley as we speak.</div> camp is the one part of the season where you CAN afford to have question marks because you're given a month to evaluate and one's saying Williams should start (atleast from what I have read)...if Sura's out, I'd like to see DA take his starting spot, and yes have Wesley as the 2 guard...I'm a huge fan of Wesley, and I dont see CD trading him now especially since we have guard concerns...atleast we know what we're gonna get out of Wesley...he's been working out every day and his jump shot is looking smoother than ever...if I were dawson, I'd sign J-Williams, and trade Moochie and/or Ward for draft picks...we're not gonna get significant talent for them anyway but we might as well get something...
  18. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    I think we have nothing to lose by just inviting him to training camp. We haven't even seen him play yet. Yes, he isn't conditioned and hasn't been on a court in god knows how long, but if TJ Ford can make a comeback then so can Jay Williams. I say give him a chance especially if Sura is hurt. The only downside to inviting him to training camp would be that it would be a slap in the face to Luther Head, but my perception of him is a humble player that is eager to learn player so I'm thinking he would understand.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    If Sura's going to be out, then I want somebody that has similar qualities. Jay Williams isn't anything like Sura. Sura is 6'5 and will get atleast 2 or 3 offensive rebounds a game. If we get another guard, its crucial that he's a BIG guard, like Sura. I like Dion Glover. I know it may sound crazy, but he's athletic, quick, and happens to be 6'5. His knack of getting to the rim at will, makes him really attractive to the Rockets.
  20. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">If Sura's going to be out, then I want somebody that has similar qualities. Jay Williams isn't anything like Sura. Sura is 6'5 and will get atleast 2 or 3 offensive rebounds a game. If we get another guard, its crucial that he's a BIG guard, like Sura. I like Dion Glover. I know it may sound crazy, but he's athletic, quick, and happens to be 6'5. His knack of getting to the rim at will, makes him really attractive to the Rockets.</div>
    Just wondering, why does the new point guard have to have similar qualities to Sura? In my opinion, change is good. We could potentially pick up someone that is better but in a different way compared to Sura. Its crucial he be a big guard, why? I'm sure if Sura didn't get those rebounds, someone else on our team would have. Besides, I really don't want to rely on my guards for rebounds.

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