Rockets still shopping

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets' started by bplld, Sep 24, 2005.

  1. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting AznxBaller:</div><div class="quote_post">Just wondering, why does the new point guard have to have similar qualities to Sura? In my opinion, change is good. We could potentially pick up someone that is better but in a different way compared to Sura. Its crucial he be a big guard, why? I'm sure if Sura didn't get those rebounds, someone else on our team would have. Besides, I really don't want to rely on my guards for rebounds.</div>

    Mid-season I felt the same way you do, but then when sura was out and James started and didn't get those mid-range rebounds it struck me how important he is to our defensive rebounding. We lost more games when sura was out to. Other then that, I agree that change is good and with the addition of Swift and Yao expecting to improve at every level that rebounding won't be an issue especially for our point gaurd.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting AznxBaller:</div><div class="quote_post">Just wondering, why does the new point guard have to have similar qualities to Sura? In my opinion, change is good. We could potentially pick up someone that is better but in a different way compared to Sura. Its crucial he be a big guard, why? I'm sure if Sura didn't get those rebounds, someone else on our team would have. Besides, I really don't want to rely on my guards for rebounds.</div>
    I don't think you watched alot of Rockets games last year. If you did, you would have seen the difference when Sura was out, and he came back. Even though you shouldn't depend on your guards to rebound, having Sura get 2 or 3 offensive rebounds is life savor. At 6'5, he would simply jump over undersized guards. When he went out, other teams guards would get those rebounds. Now that Sura's out again, I would HATE for the Rockets to make the same mistake. Getting a 5'11 Barrett, or 6'0 Jay Will, wouldn't do us any justice. Somebody bigger and stronger would help us out greatly. He doesn't really have to be a "pure" point, just somebody that can handle the ball, pass, and obcourse get those long rebounds.
  3. bplld

    bplld JBB JustBBall Member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    I dont think Sura's rebounding should be as much of a factor this season. Yao should be giving us a double double next season. The addition of swift will upgrade too and DA is a better rebounder than wesley. Though Sura's rebounding helped, i think you guys give it too much credit, his one offensive rebound per game wasnt that much of a factor in our progress last season. There were other things that pushed us ahead.
  4. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    Last season he deserved the credit. He isn't known in the league as that good of a player, but he almost got a triple doulbe on more than 3 occasions. Yes, your right it won't matter this season because we have so much rebounding help that sura should focus more on distributing the ball.
  5. viertelasiat

    viertelasiat JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    I do not think the rebounds that the 1 spot gets will be crucial at all since we now have a very athletic man in swift at the 4. I think he will make that much of a difference as from all the games i watched Howard playing he seemed a little sluggish... I think we just need a good guard that can distribute the ball and play a little bit of D. not sure if Jwill can do that but for the low price and possibly high reward why not give him a shot at being a backup? I do not like the idea of Mike James starting unless he can prove he can be a pass first pg and letting wesley take the point doesnt sound like that great of idea and I dont think they intend on having wesley or Anderson playing the point because then theyd have plenty of options and wouldnt be shopping for another pg. It seems to me that the rockets are looking for another guy to spread out minutes between him, Sura and James. IMO the rockets should still be looking to do a 2 for 1 trade and get an upgrade at the point and maybe have sura as a backup while getting rid of players so we have 15 when the season starts.
  6. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    2-for-1's would be great, but who would actually want Baker, Ward or Norris? The only way anyone agrees to a trade involving them is for cap reasons for if they are used to balance out a bigger trade. I think we're going to come to a point at the end of training camp where we're going to lose at least one of the three without any player in return, at the very best a second round pick or a trade exception.

    Rock4life, I find it very interesting how Williams went from 6-2, his listed height, to 6-1, and now to 6-0. 6-0 definitely sounds smaller than 6-1 or 6-2, but twisting facts don't reflect well on you as a debator. [​IMG]

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Locke:</div><div class="quote_post">Rock4life, I find it very interesting how Williams went from 6-2, his listed height, to 6-1, and now to 6-0. 6-0 definitely sounds smaller than 6-1 or 6-2, but twisting facts don't reflect well on you as a debator. [​IMG]</div>
    Haha......if you know basketball, you would know that players aren't always listed at they're real height. Example: Iverson, 5'9, but for some reason he's listed at 6'0. Get the point. I've seen Jay Will and he isn't taller than 6'0 or 6'1[​IMG]

    I've been right about 90% of the ideas I've thrown out. I don't have to "twist facts" to get my point across. But who cares, you haven't ever mentioned anything even worth "debating" anyway.........Nice try
  8. drm2dnk

    drm2dnk JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    I don't get it, has the popularity of the pg position disappeared? What happened to all the traditional pg's like stockton, bibby, kidd, marbury. Now the pg situation across the nba is mostly garbage and that doesnt make sense, since it's one of the most important position next to Center for a championship team.
  9. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rock4life:</div><div class="quote_post">I don't think you watched alot of Rockets games last year. If you did, you would have seen the difference when Sura was out, and he came back. Even though you shouldn't depend on your guards to rebound, having Sura get 2 or 3 offensive rebounds is life savor. At 6'5, he would simply jump over undersized guards. When he went out, other teams guards would get those rebounds. Now that Sura's out again, I would HATE for the Rockets to make the same mistake. Getting a 5'11 Barrett, or 6'0 Jay Will, wouldn't do us any justice. Somebody bigger and stronger would help us out greatly. He doesn't really have to be a "pure" point, just somebody that can handle the ball, pass, and obcourse get those long rebounds.</div>
    Must you always question how much the other person has watched the Rockets last year? For your information, I watched everything on TNT and looked at the GameUpdate on ESPN for most of the other ones. Don't ask me again.

    But when I did watch the games, I didn't really see much of a difference. Even though Sura can outrebound his opposition, the other point guard would beat him off the dribble and drive into the lane for a lot of posessions. So even though Sura can get more rebounds, the other guy would beat him out of points so it doesn't really matter. Say, if we get a smaller and quicker defender, we wouldn't be losing up that much on points from the other point guard compared to Sura. I agree for the most part about the Jay Williams part, but I actually think Barrett would be worth it as a patch up move. He's better than the scrubs we have and is probably better than Head as well.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    ^^^^^ So the answer is you haven't watched many Rockets games. But I already knew you didn't. If you did, you would have known that Sura's rebounding was key to our turn around last season. Again, with little Charlie at point, other guards would sneak in and get offensive rebounds at the free throw line. With Sura, he would get in there and get rebounds off long shots. Any Rocket fan knows that. I heard Bill Worrell mention it EVERY game, so I know what I'm talkin about. It was crucial, especially in the 4th quarter when we needed a key rebound. Sura averaged 5.5 rebounds a game last season.

    We need a point who plays tough. Sura's toughness and size at PG was instrumental to our success. They said it almost every telecast before the game. The Rockets don't need any more midgets, we already have Wesley.
  11. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rock4life:</div><div class="quote_post">^^^^^ So the answer is you haven't watched many Rockets games. But I already knew you didn't. If you did, you would have known that Sura's rebounding was key to our turn around last season. Again, with little Charlie at point, other guards would sneak in and get offensive rebounds at the free throw line. With Sura, he would get in there and get rebounds off long shots. Any Rocket fan knows that. I heard Bill Worrell mention it EVERY game, so I know what I'm talkin about. It was crucial, especially in the 4th quarter when we needed a key rebound. Sura averaged 5.5 rebounds a game last season.

    We need a point who plays tough. Sura's toughness and size at PG was instrumental to our success. They said it almost every telecast before the game. The Rockets don't need any more midgets, we already have Wesley.</div>
    ...So why'd you ask? Silly.

    I would have known "Sura's rebounding was key to our turn around" anyway even if I didn't watch games. Its called looking at the GameUpdate courtesy of ESPN. I personally thought that Sura's toughness and hustle did more than anything to help us turn around midway through the season. Although Sura would get the rebound, the other guard would beat them on the other side of the court and drive into the lane uncontested for points. It all equates back out in the end. If you haven't noticed already, our team is a bit different from last season's. Currently, we added Anderson and Swift- who will no doubt help out on the rebounding end. Derek is a couple inches taller than Wesley so no doubt he'll get some rebounds, Swift should be able to grab a bit more than Howard, while a bulked up Yao should be able to grab more than last year. Look for Sura's rebounding numbers to go down from last season.
  12. Johnny33

    Johnny33 JBB JustBBall Member

    Jun 11, 2004
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    i don't see why they don't just start Wesley at PG in that case.. either way, it's TMac who handles the ball the most and he's pretty much playing the point. Wesley played PG before and its not like he will have to do much other than handle the ball occasionally and spot up for 3's.
  13. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting johnny33:</div><div class="quote_post">i don't see why they don't just start Wesley at PG in that case.. either way, it's TMac who handles the ball the most and he's pretty much playing the point. Wesley played PG before and its not like he will have to do much other than handle the ball occasionally and spot up for 3's.</div>
    Exactly my point. With Wesley at PG, all he'll have to do is bring the ball up the court and pass it off to someone else. We could have McGrady do that but he has to set up for the play downcourt. Wesley would be playing the same role as he did at shooting guard last year, except that he'll now guard PG's. For those of you who thought his size was at a disadvantage, that problem is solved because Wesley is similar in size to most PG's. The critics fail to see this point, sadly.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    Halloween is next month, and I just want to say that you guys talkin about Wesley running the point guard position is scarier than any haunted house, voodoo, witchcraft, or ghost story ever............ [​IMG]
  15. Eduardo

    Eduardo JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 18, 2005
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    Hmm does Wesley have enough ball handling skills to play PG? If he does, I do hope that JVG notices so that we can start DA at the 2 spot. Wesley is 6"1 so if he plays at 1, he can definitely compete with other PG's heights. Last year, being only 6"1, Wesley was able to shut down players 4-8 inches taller than him; what more if he was defending PGs? ohhh mama [​IMG]
  16. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    It looks like that won't be needed because with the process of elimination, Jay Williams will come to Rockets training camp. Of course, its not official, but it seems like it will happen with miami signing gary payton and him rejecting toronto.

    im hoping they start luther head. He works his butt off and know he will as a starter.
  17. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    would starting DA at the point be that bad of a idea????......I mean he candle the ball and he's a good passer, so why not start him eventually???
  18. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    I wouldn't be so bad, but I would rather give Luther Head some time and let anderson back up Mcgrady or Wesley. Barry can take whichever anderson does not. I'm only saying this because I'm a big fan of Luther Head.
  19. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rock4life:</div><div class="quote_post">Halloween is next month, and I just want to say that you guys talkin about Wesley running the point guard position is scarier than any haunted house, voodoo, witchcraft, or ghost story ever............ [​IMG]</div>
    That's all you can and have been saying, but I still haven't heard why. If you'd care to explain why Wesley at point guard would be a bad idea, I'd appreciate it very much.
  20. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    Wesley isn't a pg....but if you start DA at point, you can put Wesley on the other teams pg and put DA on their SG.

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