If we are starting Dame and Ant at the beginning of this upcoming season we will know that the our coaching staff and front office are absolutely incompetent.
Yeah if I had to place money on it......Ant would be my bet if they somehow got Scoot. Sure it is always possible they could trade Dame at the deadline if the next season turned into a disaster, but if Dame is healthy the chances are low that it will. And if he is not healthy who is going to trade for him and his contract?
what I'm saying is that the difference between Dame staying or going won't come down to if Portland drafts Scoot vs Miller (or Amen) I've said over and over that Dame may ask to be traded sometime this off-season. I think the odds are against it, but it's entirely possible and those odds are probably closer to even than they've ever been and yes, your conspiracy theory about a lack of Dame pictures at Scoot's workout is a little space cadet
Dame not sitting with Joe during Scoots workout, to me, is no more space cadet than thinking he magically changed his mind after clearly stating that he wanted nothing to do with another 19 year old rookie. At least mine is based on physical evidence…. Or a lack thereof.
A lot of people have called Scoot the clear cut BPA at #2 for a while now, the guy's physical talents are obvious and he seems very competitive yet a solid person. I've said for some time I truly hope Miller goes #2 as I'd pass on him at #3. STOMP
If Miller goes 2 and Cronin has yet to find an acceptable trade for the #3 pick, whom do you believe the Blazers would select?
If Scoot falls to #3, I'm pretty sure they'll trade it & hopefully get a nice package back. Several win now type talents (prospects with games that Portland's roster could really use) should be available towards the end of the lotto. I particularly like Walker and Ausar. STOMP
you have to get into the mind of MM...'Portland has a decision to make; what's the worst possible option they could choose with the worst possible outcome? that's the path they'll take, only it will be worse than imagined; also, your dog dies and your car won't start because it needs a new engine'
Because reps for Boston and Brooklyn have repeatedly said they do not want to trade Brown or Bridges. As for Chicago, I just started to puke. The thought of DDR or Lavine for the 3 is disgustingly under valuing the 3rd pick. And to add, I have no interest in OG or Siakam for the 3. Draft BPA and then deal with the roster. It is not like Portland will be contending next season with any of the above listed players sans the third pick.