As I said a month or so ago, just automatically perform abductor surgery on everyone. Get out the conveyor belt. Save money on Toradol.
Thats kinda what I'm saying. I agree. Phil or Riley would have won with most of those teams i think. Maybe not the clips because they were ALWAYS getting injured. Lol.
Wtf????? Okay. This medical staff needs to be investigated along with Billups’s practice drills/procedures. How many other teams have had three players in two years have the happen?
Yeah but then he turned into GP2weeks for a reason. lol. Crap, I forgot about Nas as well!!! Fire alarms going off!!!!
If it is, it's a good thing that there is hardly any recurrence if it goes to surgery and it's never ended a career.
Correct me if I am wrong but has Camara's game developed much at all from early on? Was hoping his offense would improve but don't see it, am I missing something?
Expecting a guy's offensive game to develop over 40 games and three months isn't that realistic. I know people talk about it and think that it is, but it's the exception rather than the norm. You need off-time to workout on your own, then you bring those things you've worked on to team practice and then only after thousands of repetitions is the average player ready to use them in a competitive game. Consider also Camara's usage in this offense and the amount of energy he expends on defense and it's even less likely to expect his offensive game to blossom over night. What we should be looking for him right now is to show a little more general confidence, particularly handling the ball and maybe, MAYBE a slight uptick in 3P%. Really, though, most decent players make a noticeable improvement between years 2 and 3, because they've gotten out there and played, figured out what they need to do and have had a couple of offseasons to work alone or in pairs to get those skills down.
Yes, but he already was ahead of Camara in several respects, and his offensive usage gives him more opportunities to tweak and tinker with things. He's still not that much better than when he started. He just adjusted to the speed of the game and figured out that getting to the line and making his FTs was worth 6 pts per game. My inclination (hope) is we won't believe that Scoot two years from now is THIS Scoot.