I like my sig but I want a few other players in it. Can someone make me a sig with NVE, J-Rich, Dunleavy, and troy murphy. With the caption: "The Future is Now" Thank you. I appreciate it.
MDE, I'll get right on it. Obie, I'll look into it, in the meantime, keep posting, and tell your firends about JustBball.com! Rudeezy, since you got your sig just a little over a week ago, I'm guessing, I think you should wait a little while longer before you request another one. It's the courteous thing to do.
thanks, I am going to try to make it myself, just read the tutorial. If that dosen't work out though I will ask for help.
Here you go MDE, http://members.aol.com/HSasha87/JBBGraphic...nterbanner.jpeg It's too blurry, since it's hosted on AOL, if you need the actual graphic, PM me your e-mail, and I'll send it to you.
whats uo guys. You got some awesome sigs, maybe could you make me one. I would do it myslef but I can't get that software open. If you could me me one with LeBron James on the left side and Michael Jordan on the right side, and then in the middle with a cool font "Evolution" If you could make this for me I would be very grateful, I promise it will not go to waste.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Sasha:</div><div class="quote_post">Here you go MDE, http://members.aol.com/HSasha87/JBBGraphic...nterbanner.jpeg It's too blurry, since it's hosted on AOL, if you need the actual graphic, PM me your e-mail, and I'll send it to you.</div> Wow, thanks alot Sasha. It will really help my site grow because looking good is the first impression. :thumbsup:
okay sorry sasha, thanks so much if you can do it for me. I am sorry for posting in the wrong thread, if you do it could you post it on this thread though.
If anybody is a Dwyane Wade fan I made a sig you can use, post here or pm me if you want it. I was gonna use it, but i just made this franchise one, so I'll give it away.
if somebody could make me that sig with leBron on the left and Michael Jordan on the right both doing dunks and the word "Evolution" in the middle. If not, thats cool but it would be awesome if you could.
Could someone make me a Sig with this picture and this one on oppisite sides and Skinny Vinny in the middle thanks a lot
If some body could make me a sig with Richard Jefferson and Kenyon Martin With the words "the future is now" that would be crazy cool Good lookin out to whoever looks out for the kid.
For those waiting for a sig from me (Azballa / Ice Break) sorry for the wait, Im waiting for an acceptance to an image company that has over mil pics, so your sigs should be quite good when I complete them.
Pure hoops did you do your KG sig if you did can you do mine the RJ and KMArt one I have requested. Look above your last comment for better detail on what I would like. I really appreciate it. thanks.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting purehoops:</div><div class="quote_post">For those waiting for a sig from me (Azballa / Ice Break) sorry for the wait, Im waiting for an acceptance to an image company that has over mil pics, so your sigs should be quite good when I complete them.</div> its all good
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting purehoops:</div><div class="quote_post">For those waiting for a sig from me (Azballa / Ice Break) sorry for the wait, Im waiting for an acceptance to an image company that has over mil pics, so your sigs should be quite good when I complete them.</div> It will be well worth the wait
I'd like a NYK sig with Willis Reed and Walt Frazier on one side and on the other Allan Houston and Keith Van Horn. On the Reed/Frazier I'd like it to say "Champs" and on the Houston/Van Horn I'd like it to say "Chumps". I'd like to be made up of mostly Orange and Blue. Thanks.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting 9SA21SPURS20:</div><div class="quote_post">could one of u guys get me a spurs sig ....if one of u guys would be cool enuff to get me 1 , id like one with manu , duncan , & parker in that order and with a spurs logo somewhere in there , and background is up to u guys.</div> ^^^id still like that sig if u guys have time...and also add each players number.Example ginobili 20 , parker 9 , duncan 21.I dont want the names tough , just the pics and the number and the logo still in there.THANKS.
You have 10 posts, four of them have been about graphics. The others are about basketball. Concentrate more on basketball then on graphics, it's the knowledge you contain that makes you an outstanding poster, not your avatar or signature. In the first place, I'm sure you didn't come here for the graphics, but for the mature basketball conversations.