Some Things

Discussion in 'NFL General' started by Philly_Freak93, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. Philly_Freak93

    Philly_Freak93 The Oracle

    Dec 17, 2003
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    I think as this site grows, we should add onto it to make it better

    some things i think would be good to add eventually if its possible

    the rating system like we had at the other site,

    a chat room,

    putting pictures into posts and sigs

    putting poll posts in

    a GENERAL SPORTS forum

    a pub, but call it something that doesnt have the letters PB in it.

    i could maybe help or w/e, anyothers?
  2. Send em back al

    Send em back al nfl-*****s member

    Dec 17, 2003
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    #1, this is being paid for by someone else. Be happy for what you get for free. Some people didn't really get that (understanding of ownership) at the other site. If you want to revamp a site. Put up the bucks and do your own.

    Forget the ratings system. It was nothing more than a high school popularity contest. And worse... There was a lot of "you gave me a plus two so I'll give you a plus two." It all shakes itself out eventually. If nobody wants to talk to you... You have a negative rating. If everyone wants to talk to you as though you are an A-hole, you probably are and have a negative rating. If everyone seems happy that you are around and has a pleasant exchange with you, consider yourself popular with a plus rating.

    Chat rooms are available wherever, and are not required for good Bulletin Boards.

    Pictures in posts and signatures are already available. Click on one of the blue legends on the right of your next post for instructions for use.

    Polls. Just ask a question and do the math. Same damn thing.

    Why add a general sports forum? To what end? You want to talk about the 'Sixers, go to a basketball site. The site title says it all... "NFL FORUMS" As above, if you want to set up your own site, put out the bucks (and I don't mean Milwaukee).

    As far as adding a "pub" forum goes, if you want to talk about something outside the realm of football, "General Discussion" will do fine. If enough conversations take the community outside the realm of football, then we should look into a forum category to cover it. For now... Wait and see. Let's not run the webmaster through the ringer too much in the first week of our joining. [​IMG]

    We left another site and came here. How much do you want it to resemble the other site right out of the gate?
  3. Thoth

    Thoth Sisyphus in training

    Dec 18, 2003
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    the 801
    Testify S E B Al! We do not want to turn utopia into something that resembles that sorry excuse of a "workers paradise" we just departed.
  4. Send em back al

    Send em back al nfl-*****s member

    Dec 17, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>blackadder wrote:

    Testify S E B Al! We do not want to turn utopia into something that resembles that sorry excuse of a "workers paradise" we just departed.

    Careful BA, you are sounding way too educated and sophisticated. [​IMG]
  5. Steelerfan_2005

    Steelerfan_2005 The Peacekeeper XL

    Dec 18, 2003
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    Once again, the pent of frustration of what was the "other" site comes through. I cannot argue with the logic Chip, but there were some good things about the "other" site structurally. I can't say as though we left because we didn't like the set up. As for this site, I would like to see it grow and develop, but agreeing with you, I'd like to see it grow with it's own personality. I would also like everyone to know that they can come to me if they have issue with the site. I am trying to work with the webmaster closely to help this site get going. I don't want to see anyone 'disappear' like we all would on occasion in the past because of something we didn't like about the site. I hope we can just talk football and have fun. Isn't that the point anyway?
  6. Steelerfan_2005

    Steelerfan_2005 The Peacekeeper XL

    Dec 18, 2003
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    And besides, noone could ever be as popular as PB.... so why bother trying? [​IMG]
  7. Send em back al

    Send em back al nfl-*****s member

    Dec 17, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>Steelerfan_2003 wrote:

    Once again, the pent of frustration of what was the "other" site comes through. I cannot argue with the logic Chip, but there were some good things about the "other" site structurally. I can't say as though we left because we didn't like the set up. As for this site, I would like to see it grow and develop, but agreeing with you, I'd like to see it grow with it's own personality. I would also like everyone to know that they can come to me if they have issue with the site. I am trying to work with the webmaster closely to help this site get going. I don't want to see anyone 'disappear' like we all would on occasion in the past because of something we didn't like about the site. I hope we can just talk football and have fun. Isn't that the point anyway?

    I didn't mean to imply that I was not happy with most of the things going on at "the other site", but I dont think that we need to design a clone either. From a purely infrastructure standpoint, we had it good. If changes needed to be made, they were handled without much delay. The problems came directly from the thin skinned nature of "some" of the moderators as well as the obvious baiting of same by some of the posters. No names required. [​IMG]

    I do however feel that we can learn a lot from much of what went down on that site. Generally speaking, from about two months before and about a month into the season everyone got along well enough... Not much arguing and fighting... People willing to accept that a difference of opinion didn't mean that someone was (automatically) an idiot. Then things started to get personal, and then people starting taking things personally, and then the persons were no longer personable. (If you are asking yourself what all that means... so am I. I lost myself with that one.) Regardless, don't be dicks unless you can't help it... or your name is Dick
  8. Philly_Freak93

    Philly_Freak93 The Oracle

    Dec 17, 2003
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    look, i know this is a young site, and id like to see it develop. im just saying that it could be better. i nkow its NFLforums but theres nothing wrong with other sports sites, i dont know about you guys but iam a GENERAL sports fan football just happens to be my first pick. and for the record theres nothinng good about this years sixers al, all injuries.
  9. nfl-forums

    nfl-forums nfl-*****s member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Since everyone is on the topic, I thought I would chime in with what the plans actually are for NFL-Forums.

    First, I wanted to thank everyone for giving the site a chance. Yes, it is very young (this is our first season). There is a lot of development work to be done and a lot of plans already in place to make this the best site to discuss football on the Internet. Most of the changes will not be done by the end of the season as they take time. However, you will see changes and updates coming along as we finalize them.

    In answer to your requests, Dawk, we are going to provide places to discuss EVERY major sport. These places will not be on, rather, they will have their own domains. The sites will all be networked together, however, for easy navigation.

    We plan to add more features to NFL-Forums to make this a resource as well as a gathering place. A few features we are looking to add are up to date news for every local sports team, overall football news, schedule information, possibly our own fantasy football league for next year, and our own database of articles. All these features require a lot of work, so everyone's patience will be appreciated. We will start by adding forums for other sports.

    With all that said, patience will be the key. The first goal of this site is to be a forum...that has been done. With every post that everyone makes this site will become better and more desirable for the first time visitor. Just by participating in conversations you are helping this site grow...I personally am extremely excited about the prospects of this site with all of its new members.

    Please continue to offer your suggestions as it helps us know which features we should focus on first. Also, some of the suggestions coming out are things we have not even thought of but we really like. So all suggestions are welcome.

    Thanks once again everybody! Thanks to all who have e-mailed me offering assistance and to all the new moderators who volunteered!

    Mark Daoust
  10. Philly_Freak93

    Philly_Freak93 The Oracle

    Dec 17, 2003
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    id like to be a mod? but i think i emailed the wrong guy, were should i email you?

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