I am dazzled by the way you navigated the end of the season. Just stupendous to nab a tie for the 3rd worst record in the league. Personally, I think there should be a fine for this kind of blatant manipulation, but hey, if the league doesn’t care, who am I to argue. Just a heads up, if you do this kind of crap again next year, I’m done.
I don't think they tank next year. Joe will likely keep Grant, Mal, and Anfernee, god knows why, and try to make the play-in. It won't work. They west is simply too competitive.
I’m fine with missing the playoffs next season if that’s the way it plays out. Looking at the Blazers bench and seeing about seven guys who would be playing in any kind of non-tanking situation just sitting on their asses pisses me off.
Not a fan of the blatant tanking much of this year. Prior two seasons I was ok with it, not this year. Even with vets this year we were losing a ton. Would rather have built good habits and been in the 5th+ slot. Should be for sure lottery season next year, likely the year after as well even if they miraculously are more competitive. That will be a half decade of lottery habits and a losing culture. Ant is the only player in this organization to experience playoffs and it's not like he was a key member. Struggling to see how this franchise will even start taking the first of many needed steps towards building a possible contender. Looks more like building a culture of complacency and losing.
Pistons have some legit young talent. Can't think of an organization besides Washington in a worse long term position than us.
Sounds like what was said prior to this season and we ended up 15th of 15 west teams only ahead of two horrid east teams.
Doubtful. If Portland keeps Grant, Ant and Brogdon teamed with Ayton they will win 30-35 games if healthy. In this draft that is pick 8-10. If next season is a two or three player draft I don't want Portland sitting 8-10. I would prefer to see those players traded to playoff teams or contenders for journeymen on expiring deals and whatever draft capital they can get. Would love to see Ayton lead them to 21 wins again averaging 25/12 while healthy along with Scoot, Sharpe and the new rookies. OKC used SGA as their cornerstone, Portland can use Ayton. Give plenty of burn to the rookies and young core. Journeymen to continue teaching.
If we keep any of those three I'm going to be disappointed because we are not winning a championship next season and those three guys would have a lot of value to teams trying to win it all. If we keep either of Ant or Jerami I'll be livid because they constantly stop the flow of our offense and cripple the development of our young guys on that end and Ant is a liability on the other end of the floor. If we keep both I'll fucking hate this front office... I'll still watch but I'll be furious watching those two ball hogs take time away from guys we need to develop or not develop with a real chance. I want the value that Malcolm could bring back that would better fit our timeline but at least his skill set and playing style is a good with the young guys we currently have.
Kills me that if we would have finished with a better record, the complaint would be that we did not tank hard enough.
The stealth tank had a misfire. A bunch of starters had injuries. I think the GM was hoping for competitive games and 30 wins. The Blazers are a max contract team, not the normal cellar dweller payroll. We constantly hear if.. if x,y,z, players are healthy & balling, this team could be more exciting to watch. Portland Trail -ifferz
Nobody complaining about Pop tanking in SA all season. Traded a couple players like Portland should do. He will tank next season as well and get Flagg.