I got my tag privileges taken away because someone decided they weren't "relevant" when they were. They they piggybacked this opportunity to highlight the tag system and promote it. That's not butthurt. That's being pissed off that someone got butthurt and overreacted.
Really? Your tags were relevant? You seem like a pretty damn smart guy to me but I can't see any possible argument you can make that your tags were relevant. God forbid we want to use the features of the site properly. Yeah, the mods and admins are in the wrong and you were totally right. Whats the difference between butthurt and pissed off? I don't think anyone's overreacting except you bro. We deleted your joke posts. I don't know if anyone contacted you and told you to stop but to my knowledge no one did. I'd say we handled it pretty damn lightly but you continued to post stupid tags all over the place. And its kind of pathetic that you are really pissed that you can no longer post gay jokes at the bottom of every thread.
Tell me how a tag of "Charles Barkleys ass" is not relevant to a thread about Charles Barkley getting a televised colonscopy.
Tags are for linking different thread with one another by a specific word (tag), so that later you can search as many threads as you want for say "nets" for example.
That one is certainly debatable, I never saw it and only saw the thread 30 seconds ago when I searched for it (the tag is no longer there). Can you not see why it would be interpreted as a joke though? I can't speak for whoever got rid of it but I can see why someone would get rid of it. I can also see your side regarding how it can be relevant, though it still seems like a joke to me. The vast majority of the tags I saw before were irrelevant. Again, I don't see why you're so offended. Its just tags man. No ones stopping you from posting all of the ad-libbed names you want in the RTT.
I'm sure someone will come into the RTT any minute and deem my posts not relevant and delete them and not let me post in there.
Relevant and appropriate are different things You were asked nicely to stop and fully warned of what I would do if you continued.