That doesn't make it right. I could tell you I'm gonna punch you in the face, and then punch you in the face, would you be happy?
Maybe. But you seem "butthurt" over this too. No idea who did this... (and I have no idea even how to strip one of such power)... but if you can do a better job (Charles Barkley's ass is one thing.... I thought it was funny.... but gay jokes are another). So... if you can make them "relevant"... I am sure the powers that be will restore your ability to make tags.
That doesn't apply here. A situation that would apply is if you said that you would punch me in the face if I didn't stop posting joke tags. Then I kept posting joke tags and you punched me in the face. Sure I might be mad but it was my choice to keep posting joke tags and I fully understood the repercussions.
If Hitler warned the Jews multiple times to leave Germany and they ignored it and then he gassed them, is that right?
Nice comparison. You were warned to stop what was deemed "stupid" behavior.... you failed. Now you lost tag rights. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Analogies are my strong suit, that's why I scored so highly on the SAT. Who deems behavior stupid? Sounds elitist to me. And I believe I can still blame the butthurt mods.
By all means... blame whomever you want. The reality of it, there's only one person to blame: yourself. Its not a complicated thing for most; to stop when given a warning. You didn't. Life goes on...
Then I guess it was an unfortunate misinterpretation on your part. Is this really worth the time we're giving to it? Is tagging that much of a big deal to you? I bet they'd allow you to tag again if you showed some maturity. All we ask is to not put joke names in the tag box thing. Do it in the RTT if you must, I don't care and I don't think any other admins care.
cpaw taketh away and cpaw giveth back We'll try this again My line in the sand isn't difficult to figure it out