Exclusive The Next Blazer Era

Discussion in 'Portland Trail Blazers' started by 42N8Bounce, Oct 6, 2023.


What Blazer will lead the team in PER in 2023-24?

Poll closed Nov 3, 2023.
  1. A Simons

    0 vote(s)
  2. J Grant

    2 vote(s)
  3. D Ayton

    28 vote(s)
  4. S Henderson

    6 vote(s)
  5. S Sharpe

    0 vote(s)
  6. Other

    1 vote(s)
  1. blazerfan11

    blazerfan11 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2019
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    The Blazers can put out a unit of Brogdon, Simons, Thybulle, Grant, and Ayton, with Robert Williams backing up Ayton.
    That's got to be better than some western conference teams can put on the floor.(edit: from day 1.)
    42N8Bounce and Hoopguru like this.
  2. blazerfan11

    blazerfan11 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2019
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    That's not going to happen.
    BassPlaya and BIG Q like this.
  3. Ripcity4life77

    Ripcity4life77 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I think it's hard to say and that is the exciting part of all this even if the ride getting to the rebuild was a bumpy one cause the mantle for being the "MAN" with the Blazers is up from grabs and good chance we will not even know the answer for 1 to 3 years. I will go over each candidate quickly ( couple sentences ) and explain why I think they could or could step up and head this team for the future.

    Grant - Even if he stays around he is more of a "Robin" type player so he is out and should not even be considered in this point blank. I mean sure he might blow up if the kids stumble PER wise but he will never be the leader of this franchise.

    Ant - He has a chance to become the head of the Blazers but his chance will be this year and if he does not chances are he never will be that for this team. The reason I say this is if he cannot take it this year one of the young guns in Scoot , Sharpe or maybe Ayton will in the coming year or two without a doubt.

    Ayton - He is an enigma right now and has the most question marks I believe out of all the players listed but in my opinion is in the same boat Ant is in terms of can he be the face of this team. If he cannot come out in his first year and show he has learned his lessons from his time with the Suns then chances are he cannot get to the top dog spot.

    Sharpe - He outside of Scoot has the highest ceiling but also the lowest floor cause he has shown he can be a scorer and has mad athletic skills but there is more to a NBA then those skills. If he cannot show he is more then a freak athlete in year two then all that athletic ability means jack shit in the end and he is just a better version maybe of past Blazer ... Travis Outlaw.

    Scoot - He has all the tools to be an elite player but will he and the one thing that has to happen and I think he knows this is he has to be himself not try to be who he is replacing in Dame. They have different games and Scoot needs to be a more traditional PG that CAN score but needs to be better all around IF this team and he are to become a threat in the West. I think he is the odds on favorite to be the new team leader but the ball is in his court and one more factor that I will get into in a minute.

    OTHER - Is it possible this player that could be the new face of this team NOT even be on this team right now ... I do not think so but who knows. Now we get to what will make or break these players and the growth they could achieve.

    This factor is simple and it's the head coach and I am going to put this as simple as I can cause if he cannot evolve then it will not matter how much talent these players above show cause if they are not put in a position to succeed with his systems then it means jack shit cause in the end WINS are all that matter. When Billups was hired we were excited that he would evolve this team from where Stotts would just wait for Dame to show up and take over and so far it was kind of the same only with small changes but this team was still the hero ball show waiting for Dame to save the day. Now with Dame gone Billups has to show he can build an offense and a defense that is not totally reliant on one man's shoulders but what basketball has been from the start -- a team game. The time is now and if Billups cannot do this then he needs to be fired next summer and that is the truth so it should be a make or break season for Billups plain and simple.

    Go Blazers !!!
    42N8Bounce likes this.
  4. BassPlaya

    BassPlaya Puntificator

    Oct 24, 2022
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    The concept of "on purpose tanking" that involves conversations between players and coaches, is an idea created by fans in social media to help alleviate their self perceived pain of their team losing.

    It is my observation that teams shut down players for health reasons, offseason trade reasons, and to create the opportunity for backup/youth player development after the season is conceded. There is no request/agreement between players and coaches to play "easier" and lose more to benefit drafting status.... at the cost of said players and coaches future earning potential. Zero. None. And if I'm wrong, it's performed by horrible organizations and horrible people. Why is this concept considered real?
  5. Wizard Mentor

    Wizard Mentor Wizard Mentor

    Oct 22, 2008
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    If you mean "tanking is something front offices do, not players" then I, and most people, definitely agree.
    blazerkor likes this.
  6. riverman

    riverman Writing Team

    Nov 15, 2013
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    Today we signed another center from Iowa ...6'11, 235 ..forgot his name, something like Cobbitt..I'll check again...it's George Conditt...found it ..same size as Williams. We've gotten bigger and leaner in the frontcourt. Guys who all look like they can run.
    BassPlaya likes this.

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