OT ...Trump...beginning of the end?

Discussion in 'New York Yankees' started by yankeesince59, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. Mattingly23NY

    Mattingly23NY Turning Fastballs Into Souveneir's ~

    Mar 1, 2014
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    I applauded the pine planting conservation program's of Ga., Ms., yet can't recall when govt funding for such, began.

    Many a Senator lobby for their state, and politics often blurs common sense. The very Govt. who created severe erosion under Lincoln/Sherman, latter led to erosion control or Govt. funded Kudzu plantings. Kudzu plantings from 1883-1946; created a problem of its own, for a plant that grew a "foot a day" - Kudzu clean ups. Or- Govt funding beyond reason, as well as pork barrel politics. NTM- Kudzu was put on the Natl. Noxious List in 97, while Farmer's were paid $19.75 per 100 acre's in 1946 dollars*** for planting Kudzu on their farmlands. Crazy thing is the DoA, and US Environmental Service, both claim Kudzu is not as severe as they previously claimed, citing only 2,500 acre's per year continue to grow.

    I don't get it. When I spent time in Atlanta, most person's had something to say about Kudzu, especially business owners, who had to tear away vines that were slowly eroding their buildings, land, et al. Now the DoA, say's its not a problem, sounds off to me, probably another bureaucracy fkng with numbers, cooking the books, using numbers to get the desired result, regardless of fixing a problem...

    *** Revision: added original missing text.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
  2. yankeesince59

    yankeesince59 "Oh Captain, my Captain".

    Jul 7, 2013
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    ...between provoking China and being extremely hypocritical about election tampering, Trump really needs to cool his jets.
  3. Mattingly23NY

    Mattingly23NY Turning Fastballs Into Souveneir's ~

    Mar 1, 2014
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    what's the latest 59? I haven't seen the news in 2 days. What in the hell did he do; piss China off or something, threaten to file Bankruptcy over our National Trillion Dollar Debt to the Chinese, default on their banks, watch the Asian Stock Market go into a Depression. I can see something like that- and Donald will be by far the worst public speaking potus of all time.

    Perhaps he thought Panda Express was an illegally ran by Chinese shipped over in huge packing crates, entering with no doucments, then forming a cut throat Taxi Service, under cutting every Checker Cab, putting the squeeze on NYC cabbies......??

    Trump lacks the ability to be a dynamic speaker Imho...and always will be flat without a teleprompter....oh well, time is decadence....
  4. yankeesince59

    yankeesince59 "Oh Captain, my Captain".

    Jul 7, 2013
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  5. totus44

    totus44 Lord of the Dark Side

    Dec 6, 2013
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    the provoking China thing doesn't concern me. its time to fuck back with them and the one-China policy thing is diplomatic masterbation at its best. Taiwan is a great way to get in their head. China is not going to invade Taiwan, the cost to tell would be catastrophic. Just wait until Trump wants to nuclear arm Japan and Korea...you'll see the Chinese step in and dismantle the Norks faster than the Russians got out of Cuba.
  6. yankeesince59

    yankeesince59 "Oh Captain, my Captain".

    Jul 7, 2013
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    ^^^well, that's a helluva gamble because people who go looking for trouble generally find it.

    ...and Japan is not getting nukes.
  7. yankeesince59

    yankeesince59 "Oh Captain, my Captain".

    Jul 7, 2013
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    ...Exxon chief Rex Ellerson as Sec. of State?...hmmm, interesting...lol.
  8. Mattingly23NY

    Mattingly23NY Turning Fastballs Into Souveneir's ~

    Mar 1, 2014
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    I really do not get this one, other than I don't have a warm fuzzy about seeing the Chief of Big Oil Interests, as a representative with the interests of the POTUS; who should be reflecting the interests of the people. This Nation does not need to see Petro at $3.0 or $4.50 a gallon.....

    We don't need another G.W. Bush folly, ie lining his oil baron friends pockets, as well as Cheney's Haliburton, (eg New Orleans clean up) - et al....
  9. Mattingly23NY

    Mattingly23NY Turning Fastballs Into Souveneir's ~

    Mar 1, 2014
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    ^^^ :clap::clap:
    "The new U.S. administration needs to be rational and respectful, rather than impulsive".

    Since Taiwan is being bantered about, let's negotiate or demand, Tibet's Freedom....or save it...! Clinton held trade talks hostage until the midnight hour in Seattle over Tibet, yet no concessions were ever made, for a nation that was taken over with extreme hostilities, raped, plundered for its gold, and used for a Nuke Waste Dump, ....

    real fkng dumb of the Chinese to use Tibet for its Nuke Waste dumping ground...from the highest point on Earth; waste will eventually make it into the water system, to the lowest point in India....not the way to slow down over- population...

    Hammerojustice likes this.
  10. totus44

    totus44 Lord of the Dark Side

    Dec 6, 2013
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    Both Japan and South Korea can have nukes when they wan them.

    Chinese need to be put in their place. I've done deals in China, playing from a position of strength is what works. They care you much about what they have gained the last 40 years. ChiCom control of population is tenuous. The party doesn't deliver they are dead.
  11. Mattingly23NY

    Mattingly23NY Turning Fastballs Into Souveneir's ~

    Mar 1, 2014
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    ^^^^ being proud of one's history, and placement amongst leaders of the world's economy, s/b proud. So proud therein lays leverage....?

    I had a work peer during the days of Endeavour.

    He found out his wife had terminal cancer, and took her to see China. They got stuck in China for a month in 89, as they were in a hotel overlooking the Tienanmen Square Uprising.

    A month later, we send him to the Cape for 1 week. He was booked in a Holiday Inn, at Titusville. Monday morn, 1st thing, we get a call from him, he's locked up in his hotel room; cuz there was a KKK Convention downstairs. We had to call Rockwell Security, and they met with the local P.D. and escorted him to the airport, he was too scared to go on to work....

    He get's home, after being gone but 3 days, and comes home to find out his Son had raped a girl, and was in Jail with 1Mil bail. His Son was tried, found guilty, got 20 yrs, and his wife died the same day of his sentencing....can't make this shit up...

    What's this got to do with China? Nothing, only Tienanmen squares uprising...

    I've heard from many: never buy a Chinese Donut, IF you can find 'em. Cause they are fried in Fish Oil.....
  12. Mattingly23NY

    Mattingly23NY Turning Fastballs Into Souveneir's ~

    Mar 1, 2014
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    On Obama's Last Daze-

    WTF took him so long to move in on Cuban relations? IMO, Raul Castro's Son: Alejandro Castro Espindid more for Cuban/US relations, by kicking the can all the way to D.C.

    He blew his chance to have any legacy at all, by not attempting to bridge the polar opposing black lives/law enforcement issues, thus broadening color racial tensions/barrier's further; with increasing animosities, b/t all races, esp black & white. A by product of teaching black kids: "racism only pertains to whites"..? Within the large inner cities, black families, most single parent, raise their kids to disrespect anyone who's white; never to make eye contact, never to acknowledge; let alone say hello back when spoken too.

    At this point Trump can't fail, even if he calls in the Natl. Guard, every flare up....(shades of L.A.- 93)....

    One thing has pissed me off this last 8 yrs. Ask any black person, if Obama is the first black president, and you will get a 99% resounding Yes...! Ask an educated white man, or woman; or hell, any educated man/woman of any color, and he/she will say: He is half black, half white, a Mulatto as Webster's defined such bi-racial peeps....

    Speaking of black, and potus's, this may of been prior to the election; couldn't help but laugh, and upload it.....tho' we all know, every man has a red heart. This nation will be fine, a G.O.P. Congress, and Potus, should put the nation back on track, while fixing probs in lieu of creating them around the world....

  13. yankeesince59

    yankeesince59 "Oh Captain, my Captain".

    Jul 7, 2013
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    ...again, Japan (and S. Korea) will not have nukes.

    ...and again, using diplomacy and smarter business tactics and deals when dealing with China or "putting them in their place", is one thing, but talking about threatening nuclear action is just silly and completely mindless.
  14. yankeesince59

    yankeesince59 "Oh Captain, my Captain".

    Jul 7, 2013
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    ...^^^yup, ...and so much for "draining the swamp".
  15. Mattingly23NY

    Mattingly23NY Turning Fastballs Into Souveneir's ~

    Mar 1, 2014
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    I give up on Fox News, Hannity's Man Crush has gone to far, as has the entire network as of late. This intro to an article was as far as I needed to read, before I could find some real news, or rather an unadulterated non-fellating, non-uber ultra conservative agenda.

    Trump has done it again. Bang. Another fascinating, deep, insightful choice – Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State. Whatever these guys are smoking, I don't want any...

    Tillerson is A BIG CONFLICT OF INTEREST, if there ever was one.

    Sadly there are no laws, to prevent a POTUS or Cabinet Member, from engaging in Conflicts of Interests, of this type.

    John McCain and Marco Rubio are deeply perturbed by the close relationship Tillerson forged with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tillerson was awarded the They fear Trump and Tillerson would bring US policy far more in line with Russia, which is locked in the worst confrontation with Washington since the Cold War and is seeking to again become a great power rival to the United States

    Tillerson, a multi-millionaire, he will be an easy fit in the roughly one-third of Trump's emerging Cabinet which is made up of corporate titans and wealthy Wall Street players. He is also another down-payment by the President-elect to tear down the political establishment in Washington and to replace the inhabitants of what he has called a "swamp" with new blood and potential cabinet secretaries with real world experience.

    Trump's version of draining the swamp, is removing the Gators, and Water Moccassin's, and replacing them with brackish Queensland Crocodiles, Great White Sharks, Black Mamba's, and a shit load of Croniysm. This could be the dirtiest government to ever be one to rid D.C. Of Politicians, by replacing them with men, who are not versed in the very jobs they are picked for. Another no-go s/b the Attorney General

    In order to be confirmed, Tillerson must satisfy senators that there is more to him than a businessman eyeing a new challenge in statesmanship.

    He will have to explain why his own lack of formal foreign policy experience is not a disqualifying feature of his resume. After all, negotiating is just one aspect of the job of secretary of state. The top US diplomat must also frame a coherent foreign policy doctrine for the United States, exemplify its values, have a deep grounding in history and understand the complicated motivations of its international partners and adversaries.

    Tillerson developed his close ties with Putin as he negotiated a multi-billion dollar deal with Russian oil giant Rosneft to provide access to lucrative oil resources in the Arctic. The agreement will be at the center of his confirmation hearing.

    The last bastion of our Wild Planet. Continue to drill, spill, while leaving trace depostits, that will kill most marine wildlife; in the last of the wild frontiers. When Alaska is gone, or when enough oil accumulates in the Arctic waters, so is the rest of the World.
  16. Mattingly23NY

    Mattingly23NY Turning Fastballs Into Souveneir's ~

    Mar 1, 2014
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    If Jeff Sessions, Senator of Alabama, is approved by Congress, of whom he's known for voting against the GOP stances on numerous issues, in the past.

    Black Justice Department staffer said Sessions had called him "boy" and claimed he had thought the Ku Klux Klan "were OK until I found out they smoked pot."

    The former US attorney for the Southern District of Alabama and Alabama attorney general isn't without controversy. His appointment to a federal district court by then-President Ronald Reagan sank when a former Justice Department employee testified that Sessions had made racially tinged remarks.

    The racial remarks, jfor one don't bother me too much, as his off the cuff hot headd Pre-POTUS Elect Trumpian, "

    Trump now has 3 very powerful men who are all extremist anti-cannabis critics:
    Kelly's nomination would be the third Trump Cabinet pick who is an outspoken critic of marijuana legalization. Attorney general nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions has been harshly critical of legalization efforts, arguing that “good people don't smoke marijuana.” Rep. Tom Price, Trump's pick to run the Department of Health and Human Services, has been one of the most reliably anti-marijuana members of Congress in recent years, voting against even modest policy changes.

    When cannabis is considered a Class I Narcotic, while Tobacco, and Alcohol, are worse for anyone physically intoxicating beyond weed. No one ever died of a weed over dose. While many drunks have killed plenty of innocent men, women and children. The law says don't toke and drive, while there is no criteria for impaired tokers, other than obviously impaired driving. In this desert valley of heavy drinkers, the CHP conduct monthly secret checkpoints. To date in L.A. County, over which is not. Including one of many I've known, including the 16 yr old sister, of my high school sweetheart, and prom date....

    In L.A. County over Labor Day 016, over 2,000 people were arrested for Drunk Driving, compared to 2 men, for smoking weed while driving. Those 2 m, were the only 2 out of 2,000 drunks, who walked free, arrested, but let go, as they passed all field sobriety testing. Imparied driving could not be proven, by CHP Camera's....

    This Nation needs hard jobs, with an increasing GNP. Cannabis alone can and has increased tax revenues, bringing states budgets, out of the red, into the green .... Colorado had 1 billion $$$ in gained revenue's for 015, the exact amount of Colo's financial Surplus...To kill the gains on cannabis laws, would be taking 10 steps forward, and 100 backwards...
  17. totus44

    totus44 Lord of the Dark Side

    Dec 6, 2013
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    Will or will not isn't part of the negotiation. The point you make is they can and we can help accelerate that.

    They aren't prepared for that option which is exactly why you feint it. You get leverage in negotiations with Asians in general more with surprise and determination than strength and aggression. Now this isn't how you posture with Russia. They have too much nuke muscle memory from the cold war. But I guarantee you the idea of Japan having nukes will have China making days all day to avoid it.

    As for Tillerson, interested in what he has to say. I'm pretty sure he and Trump will be more on the same page then Clinton and Obama were.

    It's an oil and energy global economy, having a grasp if that already puts him light years ahead of Kerry.

    No offense gentlemen but let's give this team a spring training before we start trading and firing players, lol.
  18. yankeesince59

    yankeesince59 "Oh Captain, my Captain".

    Jul 7, 2013
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    ...lol...now you're flip flopping like Trump...why in the world do want to risk war with China?...again, that's just silly. Even the mere mention of nuclear action is simply horse and buggy thinking. The world is a bad enough place already and world peace is delicate and could tip very easily....as could the world economy.

    ...as far as Tillerson, I don't give a shit about what he or any other politician says, I do however, care about what he does.

    ...as far as Trump's first Spring Training, he's coming to camp having already backtracked on multiple campaign promises...but if you wanna say "sieg heil" to your Fuhrer, that's up to you, be my guest.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
    Mattingly23NY likes this.
  19. yankeesince59

    yankeesince59 "Oh Captain, my Captain".

    Jul 7, 2013
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    ...first Trump says that claims about Russian election tampering/hacking are "ridiculous" and that he "doesn't believe them" ...but now in order to save face now that more and more credible reports to the contrary have arisen, he's suddenly wanting to know why the Obama administration didn't look into it sooner...and also blaming the media again.

    ...lol.. but yeah, Trump is not a "politician".
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
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  20. Mattingly23NY

    Mattingly23NY Turning Fastballs Into Souveneir's ~

    Mar 1, 2014
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    LMAO, and He flip flops with the best or worst of Politicians, hell even does the Tango with the dumb ass Kanye.....wtf...?

    Trump will be the next "prime lending" POTUS, driving overtly inflated real estate up thru the roof, only to see it crash, again.....!!!

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