Wade Isn't Better Than Arenas

Discussion in 'Washington Wizards' started by Shapecity, Jun 21, 2006.


    AIRTIGHT JBB JustBBall Member

    May 20, 2006
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    hmmm... I could've swore I posted something in this thread in response to one of Black Mamba's comments- and now it's apparently vanished.?!

    Obviously this post has ridiculously great timing as it was born hours after Wade won the Championship and Final's MVP. Black Mambas post was I recall condescending Wade's achievement and saying Arenas would've done much better in the same situation. ( Funny how his name even comes up in a conversation like this as nobody was comparing Arenas to Wade or LBJ or Kobe or any of the top players in the league before) If I remember correctly my original comment to his post was something to the effect of <u> "Whatever helps you sleep better. >>Damn give it up."</u>

    I'm sorry for this mix up everyone. I dont know- something must be haywire with the server again; how my post would get deleted yet everyone else's seems to still be in order is mysterious to say the least. ... I'll check on it.
  2. SP23

    SP23 DA BEARS!

    May 15, 2005
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    There are points in the article about what a lot of fans think about what happened during the finals. That's what happens when it's the finals and they other team had a chance for a game 7. Arenas is a great player. Wade is just bigger and can play above the rim. And like other people mentioned gets more exposure. But, I do think Wade is a better player right now.
  3. jbbCourtVision

    jbbCourtVision JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    If I had a choice to choose a team to build around I would choose Wade over Arenas any day. Why? He is a better athelete and once he develops a 3 point shot he will be almost unstoppable. The main reason why I would pick Wade is because he is one of the best if not the best clutch performer of the NBA.

    The regular season does not count. The playoffs is what makes the superstars and Wade has one championship over Arenas. I don't even think Arenas will come away with a championship unless he pulls a Payton later on in his career and tags along with a great team.

    Horrible article. Pure homerism at its best.
  4. BlueBayou

    BlueBayou JBB JustBBall Member

    May 12, 2005
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    Give me a break, D Wade's basketball IQ owns Arenas, the games I watched with Arenas, always left me wondering, what the hell are you doing? For a few possesions.
  5. WadeDynasty

    WadeDynasty JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 19, 2004
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    The article is from Washington Post. Of course, the writer is going to be biased. This article is the funniest article tho. As soon as I saw the thread title, I laughed lol

    Arenas is a great player but can he win?
  6. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 5, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting WadeDynasty:</div><div class="quote_post">The article is from Washington Post. Of course, the writer is going to be biased. This article is the funniest article tho. As soon as I saw the thread title, I laughed lol

    Arenas is a great player but can he win?</div>

    Is that a joke? Can he win? Have you not seen the turn around the Wizards have made since signing him?
  7. WadeDynasty

    WadeDynasty JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 19, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting TheBlackMamba:</div><div class="quote_post">Is that a joke? Can he win? Have you not seen the turn around the Wizards have made since signing him?</div>
    I shoulda clarified. Can he win more than Wade?
    Wade didn't even need Shaq to sweep the Wizards last year. This year, Heat swept them again in regular season. Wade averaged 35 points per game as well.
  8. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    If you poll Wizards fans, most would actually agree that Wade is better. Now Wade is not "much better" as in a blowout, but I myself know that he is a better player, and I'm an Arenas (and Wade) fan.

    Wade's definately not the outside shooter Gilbert is, not as good mid-range yet, but he's not very far off now, and they're equal scorers, but Wade is more consistent in the high percentage area because of his shot selection. Wade is also a better defender, like mentioned has better shot selection, and right now more mature of a player. Gilbert is not too far back though, you could actually argue him as a better scorer, and he is easily a superior shooter, but Wade matches or beats him in about everything else.
  9. WadeDynasty

    WadeDynasty JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 19, 2004
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    Hey I'm not taking anything away from Arenas. He's a prolific scorer and all but if you, as a GM or a player, want to win as many as possible, you need someone like Wade. A player who can thrive in pressure, does everything that takes to win, and does it well.

    AIRTIGHT JBB JustBBall Member

    May 20, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Is that a joke? Can he win? Have you not seen the turn around the Wizards have made since signing him?</div>

    Actually, <u>the Wizards turnaround hadn't begun until Jordan's return.</u> He's not playing now, and the players he positioned on that team have since gone; but aint it quite the coincidence that him going to that franchise, and the year he left them beginning anew as a franchise in this league? The very next year!--
    or are some of yall gonna say that 03-04 the Wiz had already been predestined to do whatever they did withstanding whatever was gonna happen in the 2 years before?
  11. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 5, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting AIRTIGHT:</div><div class="quote_post">Actually, <u>the Wizards turnaround hadn't begun until Jordan's return.</u> He's not playing now, and the players he positioned on that team have since gone; but aint it quite the coincidence that him going to that franchise, and the year he left them beginning anew as a franchise in this league? The very next year!--
    or are some of yall gonna say that 03-04 the Wiz had already been predestined to do whatever they did withstanding whatever was gonna happen in the 2 years before?</div>

    Jordan did nothing but hurt the organization. Ask any Wizard fan, Jordan did nothing for us. He traded Richard Hamilton for Jerry Stackhouse, because Hamilton was an up and comer with serious potential and wanted some plays ran for him.

    He then drafted Kwame Brown, who if Jordan hadn't verbally and physically abused, could've been a great player for Washington. Yet, Jordan expected Kwame to be an all-star from day one, and because he wasn't, Jordan called him names, such as "pu--y," "fa--ot," and "qu--r." He also slapped Kwame numerous times. Great way to build up confidence for the first kid ever selected first out of HS. Kwame already had issues trusting male figures. His father constantly beat his wife and him, a couple of his close male family members are serving life sentences. Jordan is not the person to mentor someone, obviously.

    Jordan's final season in Washington, 2002-2003 Washington finished with a dismal 37-45 record. Jordan was then cut loose from the club, completely. They hired Ernie Grunfeld as GM of the team. He made an immediate impact. He officially signed Gilbert Arenas on August 8, 2003.

    The 2003/2004 season was horrible for the Wizards because Arenas' was hampered by an abdominal injury all year long. He only played in 55 games, but he was told he should've sat the season out. If you know anything about abdomen injuries, they're some of the most painful and long-lasting ones you can have.

    In the 2004 off-season, Grunfeld acquired Antawn Jamison in a trade from the Dallas Mavericks, with a healthy Arenas and a newly acquired Jamison, the Wizards finished with a 45-37 record. They beat the Bulls in the first round of the playoff on an Arenas' game winner, but were swept in the next round.

    In the 2005 offseason, the Wizards lost Larry Hughes, but signed Antonio Daniels. They traded Kwame Brown for Chucky Atkins and Caron Butler. Atkins didn't like the team though, so they cut him during the season. Daniels didn't learn the offense until almost 3/4 into the season. The Wizards regressed because of all the changes, but still managed to make the play-offs with a record of 41-40.

    All this team needs is some consistency in their lineup, and they can be a top level team in the east. Arenas' is a young stud, he's on Wade's level. He might be as good as Wade, but he's on the level of the young superstars coming up in this league. They have Antawn Jamison, who will give you 20 and 10 nightly. They have Caron Butler, one of the most underrated players in the league. He averaged 18 and 6 this year, but really turned it on in the playoffs. He's coming into his own. Next year, the Wizards should have 3 20 PPG scorers, to go along with Jeffries, whom they plan on resigning. Jeffries is a pesk on defense. A lot of clubs are interested in him because of his length and his versatility. He can play the SG, SF, and the PF. If he had an offensive game, he'd be an all-star, but unfortunately, he doesn't.

    This team's success isn't because of Michael Jordan. You can speak all the BS you want, but let's keep it to a certain extent. This team is winning because of: Arenas, Jamison, and Caron. All of those players were acquired in moves made by Ernie Grunfeld, not Michael Jordan.
  12. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    Gilbert is a great scorer, but Wade is just better all around.
  13. ChicagoSportsFan

    ChicagoSportsFan JBB JustBBall Rookie Team

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Ok Gilbert is better than Wade and the Wiz wouldve beat the Heat if they met in the Post season...............There are you happy now?

    Now can somone please close this thread?

    P.S. Haywood is better than ZO EVER WAS.
  14. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 5, 2003
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    What? The Heat would've crushed us. I really do hope that was sarcasm.

    AIRTIGHT JBB JustBBall Member

    May 20, 2006
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    Hell yea they would've, what'd you mean?
  16. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 5, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting AIRTIGHT:</div><div class="quote_post">Hell yea they would've, what'd you mean?</div>

    I know they would've, I was responding to the cat who posted above me.
  17. XSV

    XSV JBB The Virve Dynasty

    May 7, 2005
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    What's next, Baron Davis is better than Wade? C'mon, Arenas is great, top 10, and one of the most underrated players in the NBA, but he ain't as good as Wade. IMO, Wade is as good as Kobe, Lebron etc, if not better. You guys need to (in the words of Kobe fans) quit hatin.
  18. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting michiganave17:</div><div class="quote_post">Ok Gilbert is better than Wade and the Wiz wouldve beat the Heat if they met in the Post season...............There are you happy now?

    Now can somone please close this thread?

    P.S. Haywood is better than ZO EVER WAS.</div>
    Huh? Did you actually read the thread and see the replies because I'm not really sure who you're replying to here. I think you should go read a little first, because there isn't really much of an argument for Gil. This thread is a reply to an article written by a write in the Washington Post, why would we close it because we don't agree with his opinion?

    The writer made few points, okay, Wade has a better supporting cast, and Arenas is about as good offensively, that's about all really, and oh, Arenas is a nice guy.

    I love Gil, but the guy is hardly making much of a basketball argument here. Arenas being as good or better than Wade will not come from him scoring, but from him making better decisions offensively, and for him playing defense like he's capable of. Those are the things that can even make him a Top 5 player in this league, but are easier said than done. Still, he does have the capability because of his work ethic.
  19. TheFreshPrince

    TheFreshPrince JBB JustBBall Member

    May 20, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting michiganave17:</div><div class="quote_post">
    P.S. Haywood is better than ZO EVER WAS.</div>

  20. Mr.Wade

    Mr.Wade JBB The Canadian Dream

    Feb 19, 2004
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    This is 5 minutes of pure bliss...

    Why is everyone hating Wade so much, he has never said anything wrong. He's getting 100x more hate than when "Starbury" self-proclaimed himself as the best point guard in the world!

    What has this kid done wrong, absolutely nothing except do all the right things and say all the right things and WIN. That's why he's getting hate, people are jealous and people compare and try to belittle his accomplishments. It's quite humorous I might add. This is just out of hand.

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