Hey, I recently asked for a Warren Moon sig but I am not sure I put it in the right spot. It is under old requests. I did get a reply and sig from drexlersdad. It turned out nice but I now know more specifics that I would like. Please, can someone help me out? I would really appreciate it. Primary Text-Probably his name (Warren Moon). Secondary Text-His number (1). Style - Techy, Grunge, Retro....-I guess techy. I am not really familiar with styles. Colors - What colors to use-Definitely red and the blue of the Houston Oilers. Pictures - Working links only please-Maybe one of these. I also added a link for the logo and helmet. Use whatever you think. http://www.freewebs.com/cregan32/Warren Moon.jpg http://www.allposters.com/-sp/Warren-Moon-Posters_i1766171_.htm http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_fw7iF68JR8k/RlurbdtJq8I/AAAAAAAADe0/1cSZFuxe2Bc/s400/t1_moon2.jpg http://adrianwarren.com/tmp/atallman.jpg http://www.teamontop.com/all_images/oilers81_96.jpg http://www.sportslogos.net/images/logos/7/186/full/581.gif Thanks!
Whatever! I am using it now bro. I just wanted something a little different. Thanks for it though. It is good and I have gotten compliments.