<div class="quote_poster">Quoting SanQuinn:</div><div class="quote_post">If you are going to p!ss in public, don't do it in front of the cops...i wish i had known that at the time...</div> Gotta be careful with that public urination, I hear you can get slapped with sexual assault for that! You could have been adding an "ent" into the middle of "Quinn" there . . . we're glad you're back.
I'm still here but I can't be on as often because of school and bball. Our season is almost over and then i will be back and posting like usual.
How long have you been a Warriors fan? Born a Warriors fan. Who is your current favorite Warriors player(s)? JRich Who is your all-time favorite Warriors player(s)? I was a big fan of Hardaway, Mullin and yes, Joe Smith. Predictions for this season? I guess I'll make one for next year and it's the playoffs.
I just joined the site, and this is my first post. -Ive been a Warriors fan my whole life. Fav.player is J.Rich Fav.all time player is Chris Mullin
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting GSWfan:</div><div class="quote_post">I just joined the site, and this is my first post. -Ive been a Warriors fan my whole life. Fav.player is J.Rich Fav.all time player is Chris Mullin</div> Welcome to JBB. You have chosen wisely young padawan. This is one of the biggest Warriors Fanbases on the web without trolls or any of that stuff. I'm glad to see another Warriors fan here. We could always use more smart posters PM me if you need any questions
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting GSWfan:</div><div class="quote_post">I heard about the site on niketalk.com</div> Okay. Good. Hope to see you post here a lot
How long have you been a Warriors fan? I'm an ex-Laker fan (Magic days)...hated Warriors cuz it's easy to support the local team, but turned loyal fan when they had Chris Webber, Sprewell, and Hardaway. Been punished ever since...and damn proud of it. Who is your current favorite Warriors player(s)? BDavis, Jrich, Pietrus Who is your all-time favorite Warriors player(s)?Webber, Sprewell, Speedy Predictions for this season? Another "can't wait for next year" year has come to fruition. How did you hear of JBB? surfing
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting geezy:</div><div class="quote_post">How long have you been a Warriors fan? I'm an ex-Laker fan (Magic days)...hated Warriors cuz it's easy to support the local team, but turned loyal fan when they had Chris Webber, Sprewell, and Hardaway. Been punished ever since...and damn proud of it. Who is your current favorite Warriors player(s)? BDavis, Jrich, Pietrus Who is your all-time favorite Warriors player(s)?Webber, Sprewell, Speedy Predictions for this season? Another "can't wait for next year" year has come to fruition. How did you hear of JBB? surfing</div> Surfing? Wow. That's weird. Anyway hope you post here a lot
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting J-Rich23:</div><div class="quote_post">Surfing? Wow. That's weird. Anyway hope you post here a lot</div> Thanks J-Rich23...I think I was looking for stuff on Speedy...that's how I came across this great community of Warriors fans!!
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting J-Rich23:</div><div class="quote_post">Surfing? Wow. That's weird.</div> You pulled another Pheobe
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting UltimateWarrior:</div><div class="quote_post"> You pulled another Pheobe</div>LOL...classic!
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting UltimateWarrior:</div><div class="quote_post"> You pulled another Pheobe</div> Just for you guys
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting UltimateWarrior:</div><div class="quote_post"> You pulled another Pheobe</div> Phoebe Buffet is awesome. I wonder if some people don't know what the hell we're talking about because they never watched the TV show "Friends".