Why are you guys doubting the strength of the Rockets?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets' started by igotask8board, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. igotask8board

    igotask8board Active Member

    May 9, 2005
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    I remember a time when Houston had a mediocre 17-17 Win-Loss Ratio during the 04-05 season. After that, our team developed good chemistry and we won 34 and lost just 14 games. We won 71% of our games.

    Last season we split with San Antonio, Dallas, and Phoenix (all of the teams ahead of us) 2-2. We also beat Seattle 3-1. We added Derek Anderson and Stromile swift. Yao worked on his foot work this summer and overall game. How come you guys still think we are not capable of being 1st seed, and become this years western conference champs?

    I mean Phoenix lost JJ, Dallas lost Michael Finley, and SA is still the same I guess. The Rockets have imroved so much.

    What do you guys honestly think we still need to take the west this year? If all of our guys are healthy for the finals, then what more do we need? Another Small Forward? I am not going to talk about the East right now, because there line ups have changed to much.
  2. MTran

    MTran JBB JustBBall Member

    May 2, 2005
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    i think we'll be behind SA for sure.... they're just a well-oiled machine.. things click well for them, whereas we have 3 players we need in the flow of things... maybe mid season things will click and we'll go in a 20-0 streak
  3. GiantMidget

    GiantMidget JBB JustBBall Member

    Oct 24, 2004
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    You cant be the #1 seed and be WCF champs because of one reason,the San Antonio Spurs.Theyre the reason that nobody else can be a 1-3 seed in the southwest.Also,think of the players you acquired,I mean really think about them.Are either of them THAT good?Sure theyre nice players and improvements at that.Actually,Swift really isnt better than Howard was last year.Swift just brings a different element.Derek Andersons best years are long gone,and his best years really werent that good to begin with.All in all though I think the Rockets will be good and they improved.However they didnt improve so much that theyve surpassed the SPURS.Thats just dumb/disrespectful.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting GiantMidget:</div><div class="quote_post">You cant be the #1 seed and be WCF champs because of one reason,the San Antonio Spurs.Theyre the reason that nobody else can be a 1-3 seed in the southwest.Also,think of the players you acquired,I mean really think about them.Are either of them THAT good?Sure theyre nice players and improvements at that.Actually,Swift really isnt better than Howard was last year.Swift just brings a different element.Derek Andersons best years are long gone,and his best years really werent that good to begin with.All in all though I think the Rockets will be good and they improved.However they didnt improve so much that theyve surpassed the SPURS.Thats just dumb/disrespectful.</div>
    First off, keep in mind that we owned the Spurs last year. Second of all, when you got Tmac and Yao as your best players, you don't need more superstars around them. So by getting two very good role players (Swift & DA) we basically have plugged up are biggest holes. Not to say we're flawless, but we have a pretty strong core of players. Also keep in mind that these are FREE AGENTS. So we basically have the same team and have added pieces without losing too much. I don't want to sound too excited, but beating the Spurs isn't impossible.

    The best part I like is we still have those expiring contracts so we can still make a trade and add more firepower if we choose. But honestly, I'm happy with the current roster. I know I hated on Wesley, but that's only because he was a starter. Him coming off the bench actually isn't that bad. James will bring his energy, and who knows what Head will do. We resigned Barry and Mutumbo so I think this could be our year. GO ROCKETS!!
  5. RoXoR

    RoXoR JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rock4life:</div><div class="quote_post">The best part I like is we still have those expiring contracts so we can still make a trade and add more firepower if we choose. But honestly, I'm happy with the current roster. I know I hated on Wesley, but that's only because he was a starter. Him coming off the bench actually isn't that bad. James will bring his energy, and who knows what Head will do. We resigned Barry and Mutumbo so I think this could be our year. GO ROCKETS!!</div>

    very well put...i too "think" this is the beginning of our golden years (i could smell the gold, but would be even better if we could taste it also [​IMG] )...imho, if we waive Baker and just sign Lonny, i would consider us to be ULTIMATE [​IMG] (then we would have all our positions covered)

    ROX to da ship...05 - 06 [​IMG] ??
  6. dakeem1

    dakeem1 JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    There is only onr thing that won't let us be the best in the west, and that is our PG rotation.

    I'm happy without our PG's right now, but under the JVG system, those PG's will not make the Rockets effective enough to overcome the the Beasts from the Easts IF we canmake the NBA finals. Since the Spurs have a slight weakness to us, we have a chance I guess, but Detriot and Miami will be tough. We need some awesome playmakers to get past the strong defenses of these teams.
  7. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    Hell I'm gonna be really optimistic and say that we can be the spurs in a 7 game series.
  8. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    What do you guys honestly think we still need to take the west this year? If all of our guys are healthy for the finals, then what more do we need? Another Small Forward? I am not going to talk about the East right now, because there line ups have changed to much.</div>
    For starters, we're going to need a better point guard than Sura, not to take any credit from him of course. I mean, in most other teams in the league, he would be nothing more than a backup guard. You saw how Jason Terry and Devin Harris practically ran circles around him in the playoffs- almost every team in the west can do that. Plus, it doesn't matter that we have two stars on the team- if teams consistently learn to shut down all the role players, we're basically finished. See last Kobe and Shaq year against Detroit. Thats why I feel that we need a third option on this team- preferably in the form of a playmaking and scoring point guard.

    Really, the only team currently that stands in our way is San Antonio. And thats only if Swift, Andersen, and Head learn to mesh well with the current lineup. They just have a lot of depth right now and their team just meshes so well. Oh, and everyone keep forgetting that they added the center Oberto from Europe- supposedly he's one of the best over there and will patch up their center rotation. Their defense is superb. And when you've got Parker and Ginobli as a backcourt outgunning and outrunning our guards while Bowen is tightly contesting McGrady's shots, that leaves a pretty close matchup. Currently, I'd have to say they have an advantage over us.
  9. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rock4life:</div><div class="quote_post">First off, keep in mind that we owned the Spurs last year.</div>I don't think we "owned" the Spurs last year when one of our two victories against them was a miracle and the other was one where both teams couldn't hit anything from the field. I still believe that the Spurs are a better team and would take the number 1 spot in the West, so the best we can probably hope for is fourth. However, I am fully in support of the team's moves this summer and am confident in our ability to be a strong contender for the championship when the playoffs roll around. We have the ability to beat the Spurs in a seven-game series, and I believe that if we do beat them, then we can go forward and win the chip.

    With the Southwest looking like a three-headed race for the division crown and a top 3 seed in the playoffs between San Antonio, Dallas and Houston, it sets up a very interesting situation. If the Spurs finish first, the Rockets would probably be fourth or fifth seed, and would inevitably match up against the Spurs in the second round. If we don't beat them we're out. So I don't think it'd be absurd if we drop to sixth or seventh intentionally in the first round and avoid having to face the Spurs until the WCF, when the team would be much more confident and determined. Anyways, the next season would definitely be a good experience for players and fans alike.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    Hate to sound like a homer, but I don't think for us, that San Antonio is our biggest problem. We match up with San Antonio better because of our bigman rotation. I like our chances against the Spurs, but it's the other teams like Phoenix, Dallas, Sacremento, and even Golden State that scare me. They are young and can fly up and down the court. Plus they have agile bigmen that can give ours problems.
    But i think we match up with San Antonio better than most teams. Mutumbo has always given Duncan problems, and Ginobli is no match for Tmac. Yao will also be effective.
  11. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    But i think we match up with San Antonio better than most teams. Mutumbo has always given Duncan problems, and Ginobli is no match for Tmac. Yao will also be effective.</div>
    Ginobli doesn't guard McGrady. Bowen does, one of the best defenders against the league. Meanwhile, Parker and Ginobli will be matched up against Sura and Andersen, which really isn't all that great for us. Our powerforwards and centers would undoubtly be doubling Duncan but that would be leaving Mohammed wide open for easy layups- sort of like the Detroit and San Antonio series.

    Wow, I have a totally different opinion about those young and high flying teams like Phoenix or Dallas. They simply, are easy to control. Once you control the tempo, you basically own them. With Van Gundy as a phenomenal half court strategist, we should be able to slow them down to a tempo they aren't confortable with and grind out wins that way. Fast teams don't mean anything when they can't fly up and down the court like they are used to.
  12. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    I don't think any team is set to match up with San Antonio because of the versatility they have at every position. Tony Parker is a lightning-fast PG who is very good at creating his own shot and driving to the basket, and is also good at finding open teammates. Ginobili is just like Parker, just with a better outside shot and an ability to finish with an emphatic dunk. Bowen might not play a big part in their offensive scheme, but his efficiency from outside makes it a must to guard him. Both Duncan and Horry have good range and can drive to the basket, so they can draw out Swift/Howard and give their guards room to drive to the basket and draw fouls on Yao or get an easy two. Mohammed is also not much of a scorer, but he goes at the basket hard and plays tough defense on anyone he's guarding.

    With Phoenix, Dallas and Sacremento, I think that our team is very capable of playing at their speeds, like we have proven last season. With the addition of three more players who can run the floor, we have become a team who can keep up on transition defense if we so desire and also score at a quick pace. It's seasoned teams like San Antonio and Detroit that I think Houston will have troubles against.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    The thing is, I just think that San Antonio thrives on Tim Duncan. If you find a way to match up with him, then you're giving yourself a chance to win. Ginobli, Parker, they all thrive on Duncan. If you look at the playoffs last year, San Antonio played teams smaller than them. They're last two teams were small teams. If Detroit had a low post threat they would have beat San Antonio. Phoenix has Amare but he doesn't have a post game yet.

    We have the key elements to beat San Antonio. We have the second best low post threat in the league, and we have his back up, Mutumbo, who will come and give Duncan fits. I don't care how good of a defensive player Bowen is, he can't stop Tmac. The fact that San Antonio plays half court actually helps us out, because Yao can save his energy, and be more effective. Parker is fast, but we've added some speed this year, so I don't think the advantage is that bad. The Rockets are just a good as the Spurs on paper, and they play just as good defense. The coaches are evenly matched. The only clear advantage San Antonio has is experience.
  14. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    To be honest I felt that Detroit should've beat SA in the finals last year, Detroit made the mistake of doubling down on Duncan too much and leaving SA's shooters wide open for 3's.......but to get back to the topic I honestly think the Rockets could beat SA in a 7 game series, I'm telling you right now that although Bowen is a good defender, TMac is still going to get his regardless.....the key to beating SA is keeping Manu and Parker out of the lane and force them to shoot over the top...of course it's easier said than done, but I have a real good feeling about this rockets team this year.
  15. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    Detroit had three of the league's best post defenders on Duncan in the Wallaces and McDyess. However, Duncan was still able to score his points and still draw enough attention to get Ginobili and Parker free as well. I don't know how the Rockets would handle him. I don't think Yao and Mutombo can guard Duncan at all, because Duncan has the range to draw them outside where they are uncomfortable. Duncan is the second-hardest power forward to guard outside of Kevin Garnett.

    San Antonio is a team which will keep their cool no matter they're up 20 or down 20. The Rockets are not like that, and that could be the thing which can set the two teams apart. Last year, when the Rockets were up by a lot, they tended to loosen up and then let the other team hang around and come back. Or, as we noticed in Game 7, the Rockets give up once they're down by anything larger than 20. The Spurs will keep clawing and playing with the same intensity no matter what the point difference.
  16. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    That's the thing Trip, overall Duncan didn't have that great of a series....his FG %,points per game,and FT shooting weren't that great...which is why I have no clue why Detroit kept doubling him.....Duncan wasn't even having that great of a game 7, Rasheed,McDyess, and Ben were doing a fine job on him straight up......but SA is still a tough matchup without a doubt.

    EDIT: We also must remember that we have Mike James coming off the bench, I honestly believe James can stick with Parker and also force him to play a little D.....also SA can loose their composure....take Game 5 of the Finals....everyone on that roster started choking up, with the exception of Robert Horry.....Duncan although a great player has always had the knock of not being able to come through when his team needs him.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Trip:</div><div class="quote_post">Detroit had three of the league's best post defenders on Duncan in the Wallaces and McDyess. However, Duncan was still able to score his points and still draw enough attention to get Ginobili and Parker free as well. I don't know how the Rockets would handle him. I don't think Yao and Mutombo can guard Duncan at all, because Duncan has the range to draw them outside where they are uncomfortable. Duncan is the second-hardest power forward to guard outside of Kevin Garnett.

    San Antonio is a team which will keep their cool no matter they're up 20 or down 20. The Rockets are not like that, and that could be the thing which can set the two teams apart. Last year, when the Rockets were up by a lot, they tended to loosen up and then let the other team hang around and come back. Or, as we noticed in Game 7, the Rockets give up once they're down by anything larger than 20. The Spurs will keep clawing and playing with the same intensity no matter what the point difference.</div>
    Good Point........... But San Antonio's biggest compliment is they're size, defense & rebounding. Those happen to be our best compliments too.

    Sura- Parker (Parker)
    Anderson-Bowen (Anderson because he's better all around)
    Ginobli-Tmac (C'mon [​IMG] )
    Swift/ Howard-Duncan (easily Duncan)
    Yao-Mohammed (easily Yao)

    The benches are pretty even. You'll either have Swift coming off the bench or Howard. You have Mutumbo, Barry, James, Baxter (most likely), Wesley, and a fresh Head to provide some hustle. It's going to be a dog fight this year. Your right about us losing our cool, but with the game on the line, it's hard to bet against Tmac.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Trip:</div><div class="quote_post">Detroit had three of the league's best post defenders on Duncan in the Wallaces and McDyess. However, Duncan was still able to score his points and still draw enough attention to get Ginobili and Parker free as well. I don't know how the Rockets would handle him. I don't think Yao and Mutombo can guard Duncan at all, because Duncan has the range to draw them outside where they are uncomfortable. Duncan is the second-hardest power forward to guard outside of Kevin Garnett.

    San Antonio is a team which will keep their cool no matter they're up 20 or down 20. The Rockets are not like that, and that could be the thing which can set the two teams apart. Last year, when the Rockets were up by a lot, they tended to loosen up and then let the other team hang around and come back. Or, as we noticed in Game 7, the Rockets give up once they're down by anything larger than 20. The Spurs will keep clawing and playing with the same intensity no matter what the point difference.</div>
    Good Point........... But San Antonio's biggest compliment is they're size, defense & rebounding. Those happen to be our best compliments too.

    Sura- Parker (Parker)
    Anderson-Bowen (Anderson because he's better all around)
    Ginobli-Tmac (C'mon [​IMG] )
    Swift/ Howard-Duncan (easily Duncan)
    Yao-Mohammed (easily Yao

    The benches are pretty even. You'll either have Swift coming off the bench or Howard. You have Mutumbo, Barry, James, Baxter (most likely), Wesley, and a fresh Head to provide some hustle. It's going to be a dog fight this year. Your right about us losing our cool, but with the game on the line, it's hard to bet against Tmac.
  19. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    Yes, you're right about TMac.....if it's a close game down the stretch, I'll take TMac over almost anyone in the NBA (and I'm serious)
  20. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    London/Mississauga, ON
    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting THE DREAM:</div><div class="quote_post">That's the thing Trip, overall Duncan didn't have that great of a series....his FG %,points per game,and FT shooting weren't that great...which is why I have no clue why Detroit kept doubling him.....Duncan wasn't even having that great of a game 7, Rasheed,McDyess, and Ben were doing a fine job on him straight up......but SA is still a tough matchup without a doubt.

    EDIT: We also must remember that we have Mike James coming off the bench, I honestly believe James can stick with Parker and also force him to play a little D.....also SA can loose their composure....take Game 5 of the Finals....everyone on that roster started choking up, with the exception of Robert Horry.....Duncan although a great player has always had the knock of not being able to come through when his team needs him.</div>
    While it is a fact that Duncan didn't really shoot well overall, notice how when he shot well on most nights, the Spurs won in the Finals. It might look like holding him to below average field performances would do the trick in limiting the Spurs, but it was very hard for the Pistons, even with three good defenders rotating to guard him. In the seventh game, the Pistons tried to hold Duncan to a bad shooting night by guarding him, but it didn't work because Ginobili and Parker were able to thrive off the double-teams. If Ben Wallace can't guard Duncan alone, then I don't know how the Rockets would manage it with Juwan Howard and Stromile Swift.

    Mike James is the only point guard who can keep up with Parker (Head is SG) on the team. While I think he can do a good job, we all saw how good at running a team's offense James is. If we put him in, then I'd recommend we take Yao out and insert more of a running lineup, as that would be more suitable for James and it would allow us to take full advantage of his speed.

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