Wizards won't get Better

Discussion in 'Washington Wizards' started by Squizzy, May 7, 2005.

  1. Squizzy

    Squizzy JBB JustBBall Member

    May 7, 2005
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    Well the Wizards played a really good season and they are still in the PlayOffs, but we all know that the Miami Heat will be the end.

    If this team stays together with the core of the group they will be a PlayOff-Team for the next 5 years if the east won't get deeper and tougher. But nothing more.

    And their problem is imo their lack of teamplay. They have no real Point Guard. Arenas, Hughes and Dixon are all good passer for the 2 spot, but none can lead the team as a playmaker.
    As a consequence i would cancel the Arenas-Hughes BackCourt. They should trade one of them and put the other one on the 2 spot.

    I'm high on Chris Paul or Raymond Felton in this Draft oder Sebastian Telfair. They are all PG's who can run the point, make their teammates better and have a big upside.

    Jsut 3 Tradepossibilities for you:

    1) Atlanta's 1st Rounder (--> Chris Paul) + Josh Smith or Josh Childress + Capfiller --> Wizards
    Arenas or Hughes in a Sign & Trade --> Hawks
    Starting 5 Wizards (Paul - Hughes/Arenas - Smith/Childress - Jamison - Haywood)

    2) Jazz' 1st Rounder (--> Raymond Felton) + Carlos Boozer --> Wizards
    Arenas or Hughes in a Sign & Trade --> Jazz
    Starting 5 Wizards (Felton - Hughes/Arenas - Jamison - Boozer - Haywood)

    3) Telfair + Abdur-Rahim in a Sign & Trade --> Wizards
    Arenas or Hughes in a Sign & Trade --> Hawks
    Starting 5 Wizards (Telfair - Hughes/Arenas - Jamison - Abdur-Rahim - Haywood)

    Every possibility would make sense for both teams imo.

    Now it's your turn to shred my thoughts...

    PS: Don't be surprised because of my english, i'm from germany...
  2. Mr. J

    Mr. J Triple Up

    Aug 25, 2004
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    New York, NY
    Interesting scenarios for Washington. I don't know about the Hawks one though. The Hawks will not give up thneir 1st overall pick for just Arenas or Hughes. And if they did, why would they get Paul? Granted, Paul is an excellent point guard, but why not Bogut? Kwame Brown doesn't seem to be turning out to be the player many people expected, so with Bogut they can get a pretty decent player.

    The Jazz one seems the most realistic, but I don't know if Washington will give up their franchise player for Felton. Again he will most likely turn out to be an excellent point guard, but so is Arenas. I don't think Felton will be much better if any than Arenas so what's the point in it?

    The Blazers one probably won't happen. The Blazers organization is really high on Telafair and Shareef is an unrestricted free agent so it can't be sign and trade.
    Don't worry about your English, I understood everything you said. [​IMG]
  3. jbbVince

    jbbVince JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    I dont see the Hawks trading Smith or Childress, their 2 top 20 picks last year, and a top pick in the draft for Hughes or Arenas. That's a lot of young talent to give up.

    The Jazz will probably have a top 5 pick, and I don't see Felton getting drafted that high.

    And I dont think Telfair is going anywhere like stated above
  4. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 5, 2003
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    There is nothing wrong with the Wizards and to think they won't get better is hilarious. This, like the Bulls, is a very young team. Gilbert Arenas is just now learning how to be a pg, and I must say so myself, he is doing one hell of a job at doing it. Larry Hughes is becoming a top notch defender. All we need are a couple of pieces from title contention.

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